Sunday, January 24, 2010

Tips for working more effectively at your desk

On page 146 of The Procrastinator's Handbook by Rita Emmett,

1. Write down your ideas. Do not trust your memory, no matter how good it may be!
2. set down your priorities before the start of each day's work
3. use your high-productivity hours for your top-priority projects
4. tackle time-consuming projects in stages
5. do not overschedule. leave some time each day free from appointments
6. concentrate on one item at a time
7. take breaks. walk around. stretch. eat lunch away from your desk
8. establish a place for everything. categorize, file a store items nearby
9. keep paperwork moving
10. put limits on visits: stack stuff on any cextra chairs so uninvited visitors have to stand, when chatty people call , as soon as you answer the phone tell them you hae only a few minutes to talk. politely ask them the point of their call right away
11. remove from your desk all paper you are not working on. this prevents lost or mixed-up papers
12. handle each piece of paper only once

This excerpt from the book that I read really helped me out because I always do my work at my desk. I tend to get overwhelmed when I am at my desk because I have so many papers, other books, my computer, etc. Recently, I have been making schedules and seeing my open time to work on long-term assignments along with my homework. It is much easier to start things and get things done once I clear off my desk and only leave what I still have to work on. Once I force myself to start things, doing things in this manner will help me to get everything done at once.

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