Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Psychology in Procrastination

"Avoiding doing things, could be because of low self esteem, lack of confidence, stress, anxiety and fear of not knowing what will be the end result. People that lack of self esteem tend to avoid doing and taking responsability of the important tasks, because they thing they cant do it or they think they dont have the necessary skills to do it well.
Fear is something that provokes people to procrastinate, when they have fear of failure or have a lot of doubts of how to do their work and how bad it can result, then they avoid doing the work the most time possible, they will do it at the last minute with pressure and stress.
Also people that procrastinate does not have passion for what they are doing, they feel that they have to do the work, but they dont feel any desire, its just something that has to be done, so the postpone it.

The psychology of procrastination can be complex and different in every person, but no matter what the reason is, it can overcome it if you follow a clear plan to achieve your goals and you find your true motivation."

I am learning that procrastination is definitely something that can be overcome. It is all mental for me, and I can definitely overcome that psychological part of procrastination. Starting tomorrow, I am going to write down all that I plan to have finished by the end of the day. Also, I will set a time limit for myself so I cannot stop or change plans until I finish what was on my list. Hopefully, I will get in the habit of doing this and it will end my procrastination habit before I go off to college!

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