Monday, December 21, 2009

Getting Over Procrastination

If you are putting something off because you just don't want to do it, and you really can't delegate the work to someone else, you need to find ways of motivating yourself to get moving. The following approaches can be helpful here:

  • Make up your own rewards.

  • Ask someone else to check up on you. Peer pressure works! This is the principle behind slimming and other self-help groups, and it is widely recognized as a highly effective approach.

  • Identify the unpleasant consequences of NOT doing the task.

  • Work out the cost of your time to your employer. As your employers are paying you to do the things that they think are important, you're not delivering value for money if you're not doing those things. Shame yourself into getting going!

If you're putting off starting a project because you find it overwhelming, you need to take a different approach. Here are some tips:

  • Break the project into a set of smaller, more manageable tasks. You may find it helpful to create an action plan.

Start with some quick, small tasks if you can, even if these aren't the logical first actions. You'll feel that you're achieving things, and so perhaps the whole project won't be so overwhelming after all.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Helpful Tips

Tip 1: Write down all your goals for the Next Day the previous night

Tip 2: Turn off all electronic devices and communication just use what you really need to accomplish your task, like paper, computer, etc.

Tip 3: Set a schedule for all your work tasks and dont stop until you have finished your tasks one by one

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Video to Help Procrastination

a video on procrastination I found on youtube.. about 30 minutes long from a man talking on the radio about this problem and how to fix it with different alternatives!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

An Article Found

"Author David Allen brings up two major psychological causes of procrastination at work and in life which are related to anxiety, not laziness. The first category comprises things too small to worry about, tasks that are an annoying interruption in the flow of things, and for which there are low-impact workarounds; an example might be organizing a messy room. The second category comprises things too big to control, tasks that a person might fear, or for which the implications might have a great impact on a person's life; an example might be the adult children of a deteriorating elderly parent deciding what living arrangement would be best or a student facing an important exam for their education. A person might unconsciously overestimate or underestimate the scale of a task if procrastination has become a habit."

I definitely agree with this article. I do not procrastination because I am lazy. I actually do not believe I am lazy at all. I procrastinate over the little things that over time is not a big deal at all. I only make it a big deal by waiting so long to begin working on it. Things that are too big, on the other hand, I definitely fear and get very anxious over and try to put it off so I do not have to think about it. But in the end, I think about it more because I know that I am putting it off until the end. I tend to over and under estimate different things, and that is one major reason why I procrastinate so much! For example, I thought these blogs would take up a lot of my time, but now that I have begun to write them I found that it is actually a very simple thing to do!

Procrastinating English Homework

Tomorrow for English class, I have a test on a book we were given a week to read. The book is only 89 pages long, and I was told that it will only take about an hour to read. It is now 12:25 on Sunday night, and I have just taken out my book to read. If that does not explain procrastination then I don't know what does!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Ways to Beat Procrastination

Every day when you wake up ask your self, what do i want to accomplish today?, how is that going to get me closer to my goals? You can not just go around in life doing work just because you have to, that way you will procrastinate. You need to set a life plan, an annual plan, a monthly plan and even a daily plan.

Think of the different ways to beat procrastination that you can use. For example, set at what time you are going to begin your task and write down what you need to have in place to before you begin your task. Do anything that you have to do before the time to doing the task comes. But when the time comes, forget about anything else and just do it, dont look for excuses, dont think of what if or why not, just do it.

Once you have finished your task you can correct errors and verify it. But dont stop until you have finished, go to the bathroom before you begin your work, focus is the key to success.

If you start procrastinating and thinking of the next thing you need to do, the many other things you have to do, the calls you need to do, stop it. You can think of multiple other thinks you can do before doing your work, but here is the point, if you dont begin right now you will not accomplish anything.

Lock your self in a room, shot the door and disconnect the telephone or cell phone, dont even check your email, just do your task, once you have finished your task, take a little rest and if you want check your email or do a phone call, but dont spend a lot of time on it, its just a little rest and then begin again to the next task until is finished.

This article really gave me a wake-up call. I need to focus to get everything done. The hard part is getting starting, and I know that I cannot have any distractions when I need to get something done. Once I start I cannot make up excuses to take breaks, I just need to finish and it will overall take me less time.

Getting Books

Today, I got the two books that are being checked in class tomorrow. The assignment was given to us weeks ago, and once again I waited until the very last minute to get this done. Unfortunately, I have not had time to go through the books to be able to blog about them, and if I was not such a big procrastination things would probably be very different right now. My problem is, I need to get everything done for school. Even though I wait until the last minute, I need to go to school with my work completely finished. I hope that the two books I picked up today will be worth my time going though, and can help my find a way to fix this major problem of mine!

A Problem to be Fixed

For my whole life, I have been a major procrastinator. I guess that is pretty apparent since I am not starting these blogs until tonight. Thankfully, I still have time before my final project is due, but the truth is I probably would not have started this if Mr. Walter was not checking to make sure I started in class tomorrow. Starting as a young child, I always waited until the last minute to start things. I waited as long as I could to clean my room, get ready for bed, and most importantly, get my homework done. Middle school was when this problem started to get worse. I would have almost a month to get a project done, but I would not start it until the night before, and was forced to stay up the whole night to finish it. I have continued this problem through high school. Although I procrastinate, I need to get everything done on time. Procrastinating just makes this harder to do, and I would really like to find a way to change this trait of mine.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thursday, September 24, 2009

"Diseases of the Brain"

In your opinion, to what extent are personal problems like depression or addiction "diseases of the brain" or personal failings? Discuss examples of psychological issues that you have observed in friends and family that are related to the function of the brain in some way.

I believe that personal problems like depression or addiction are “diseases of the brain.” Yes, in some cases people choose their actions and it is based on their personal failings of making the wrong decisions at times, however every choice every person makes goes on in his/her brain before one makes his/her decision. My aunt is an alcoholic. I know that she chooses to drink and she makes those decisions, but in her eyes she “needs” to do it. She cannot get through some days without drinking alcohol. There is something wrong with someone’s brain if they truly feel this way. Other diseases like depression, anxiety, ADHD, and others are all related to the brain. People cannot help the way they think or feel, it just happens. They are not all real diseases, but to the brain they definitely are.

Also, my aunt's mother, who is also my grandma, was also an alcoholic as well. I am not positively sure, but I think that these types of diseases are genetic. Therefor, no one can have personal failings if they have these diseases because it was passed onto them through genetics.

Monday, September 7, 2009


In what ways did the experiences of your early childhood make you who you are today? How about your relationships with your parents?

-When I was a child, I did not live a normal life. Instead of playing, I spent most of my days in hospital waiting rooms or the doctor’s office waiting with my mother for my sister. When I was one year old, my sister, Dara, was diagnosed with leukemia. At the time I was too young to understand anything, but a few years later I was well aware of everything that was going on in my family around me. As a child, I knew I always had to stay strong for the rest of my family. Being the youngest of three daughters, I always kept everything casual when times were rough. My family felt as though they had to hide her sickness from me in our home, and act as if everything was normal. Inside, I knew it was not that way, so I made sure I always had courage and strength to stay by Dara’s side. My parents and I were very close, and they taught me to always be a positive young woman, and to always believe. Today, I carry those same traits, and am still able to laugh and play with my older sister, who is now healthy once again.

What is your unique outlook on life in general? What type of attitude do you have towards the world around you?

-I have a positive outlook on life. However, I try not to think the best situation will happen. I hope for the best, but I prepare myself for the worst. I believe that when things go wrong in my life or in the world, I should be prepared so that it does not hit me too hard. I hope that these things will not happen; however if they ever do, it will not be a shock to me.