Monday, January 25, 2010

The Last One!

I definitely made some progress on my issue of procrastination. I definitely did not conquer the problem, I know that I still have work to do to fix it. However, I learned a lot about myself in my area of self-improvement. I learned that the main reason I procrastinate is because I do not want to actually start what I have to do. I think to myself that I still have more time to get things done, and I end up putting it off for so long that I have to cram everything in at once to get things done. I am a student where I need to do my work and get it all completed; it is just hard for me to get going on things. Whether it has to do with school, work, or at home, I learned that it is best to make a schedule to see when you have free time to get things completed. The best advice that I could give to another person is to make a schedule of what you would like to get finished for the day, and then see when you have free time to work on long-term assignments to stop yourself from procrastinating. Also, it is helpful to make a list at night or in the morning of everything that you hope to get finished for the day, and reward yourself for getting things done. It is important not to have distractions or take breaks, and get what you would like to get done all at once, rather than breaking things up. Stay focused and know your timing schedule, and you will be able to do things little by little and learn how to stop yourself from procrastinating.

I aim to conquer the problem of procrastination by the end of my senior year, so I am already in the habit of acting in these ways for college next year. My goal is to manage my time in school and not procrastinate and keep myself stress-free!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Tips for working more effectively at your desk

On page 146 of The Procrastinator's Handbook by Rita Emmett,

1. Write down your ideas. Do not trust your memory, no matter how good it may be!
2. set down your priorities before the start of each day's work
3. use your high-productivity hours for your top-priority projects
4. tackle time-consuming projects in stages
5. do not overschedule. leave some time each day free from appointments
6. concentrate on one item at a time
7. take breaks. walk around. stretch. eat lunch away from your desk
8. establish a place for everything. categorize, file a store items nearby
9. keep paperwork moving
10. put limits on visits: stack stuff on any cextra chairs so uninvited visitors have to stand, when chatty people call , as soon as you answer the phone tell them you hae only a few minutes to talk. politely ask them the point of their call right away
11. remove from your desk all paper you are not working on. this prevents lost or mixed-up papers
12. handle each piece of paper only once

This excerpt from the book that I read really helped me out because I always do my work at my desk. I tend to get overwhelmed when I am at my desk because I have so many papers, other books, my computer, etc. Recently, I have been making schedules and seeing my open time to work on long-term assignments along with my homework. It is much easier to start things and get things done once I clear off my desk and only leave what I still have to work on. Once I force myself to start things, doing things in this manner will help me to get everything done at once.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Setting and Achieving Goals

In Procrastination why you do it, what to do about it NOW by Jane B. Burka and Lenora M. Yuen, they discuss the behavioral goal. On page 175 they state, "It is most helpful to define your goals in behavioral terms. Focusing on what you will be doing when you accomplish your objective helps you recognize where you're aiming to go. A behavioral goal has the following characteristics: it is observable by you and others; it is specific and concrete; it can be broken down into small steps; the first step can be accomplished in just five minutes."

Friday, January 15, 2010

On The Right Track

Last period, I just finished my english presentation on an independent novel. I had to read 1984 and do a powerpoint presentation on it for the class with a few group members that would later be assigned. The book was given out before Christmas Break, but of course, I did not read any of it over the break. Last friday, my teacher gave out our group members and told us presentations would begin in exactly a week. I realized that I had not yet started my book, and still had a whole project to do along with it. Normally, I would just read spark notes the night before and stay up all night and finish my project. However, this was the first time that I made a list of what I wanted to accomplish at the end of each night up until the day of my presentation. So, last night all I had to do was practice my presentation and was not stressed at all! It was the first time I did not procrastinate until the night before to finish a big project, and it was such a good feeling knowing that I was done. However, I still wish I got more done so I did not have to cram so much work into that one week. But I do believe that I am on the right track!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

George Washington Application

Last night, my application to George Washington University was due. Even though I basically finished the application because it is on the CommonApp website, I knew for the past two weeks that I had to write one more essay to submit with my supplement. I could not apply to the school until I finished writing that essay. I put it off for weeks because I knew I still had time, and since GW is not one of my top schools, it was not very high on my priority list. Yesterday, the day that it was due, I finally forced myself to sit down and get my essay done. It took me about fifty minutes to get it done, and afterwards I felt so relieved. I started thinking to myself that if I had just finished it during Christmas break or something, I would have gotten rid of so much stress that I had the past few weeks. I am really going to try and force myself to get my work done early and ahead of time, and in the end I know it will not only help to make me feel better, but it will also make my work better by having more time to work on it.

Monday, January 11, 2010

College Applications

The beginning of my year was very stressful for college applications. I finished filling out all of my information very early, however it took me months to finally complete my essay. With that one college essay, I would be able to submit my applications to 8 of my schools. Instead of working on it and getting it finished with so I could apply early action to some of my schools, I waited until the early days of December to finally get it completed. It took me about two days to actually complete my essay, and I put it off for months. The idea of my essay is what freaked me out the most. It is not that I just did not feel like doing it, it was the fact that it would be one of the most important essays I would have to write, and it freaked me out thinking about writing it. Now, all of my friends and fellow classmates have been getting accepted into schools, and I will not find out until March or April because of my procrastination!